Monday, January 16, 2012

IU Unity Summit - Martin Luther King Day

Eric Love, Director of the IU Office of Diversity Education, speaks to Unity Summit attendees Monday, January 16, 2012 at the Willkie Auditorium. The Unity Summit is held
annually on the IU campus in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Day. Nicholas Demille for IDS.

A host speaker at the Unity Summit addresses a crowd of approximately 250 people in the Willkie Auditorium. Nicholas Demille for IDS.

Graduate Student Melissa Cook talks with fellow attendees Monday, January 16, 2012, during a poster activity session. The Unity Summit, held in honor of the late
Dr. Martin Luther King, brings together faculty, students and the general public to discuss issues of race, class, equality, diversity and more.
Nicholas Demille for IDS.

Two Unity Summit attendees laugh about some amusing writing Monday, January 16, 2012. The Willkie Auditorium played host to an honorary Martin Luther King Day event
in which, among other things, attendees wrote and talked about diversity. The poster shown asked who attendees would rid the campus of if possible. These women are laughing at
one responder who suggested that parking enforcement should be the first to go. Nicholas Demille for IDS.

Attendees to the annual Unity Summit sit together and discuss equality and diversity on Martin Luther King Day. These attendees were pondering why diversity is important, a
weighty topic for anyone's birthday, let alone Dr. King's. Nicholas Demille for IDS.

Leah Neff (right) reacts to Sydney Rucker Monday, January 16, 2012, as the two engaged in debate as part of the IU Unity Summit. In-person discussion covered a range of topics
that continued on twitter under #USIU. Nicholas Demille for IDS.

Not all discussion at this year's Unity Summit was lighthearted. Here a man talks with his table mates about instances of discrimination on campus and beyond. Attendees of
the annual summit honoring Dr. Martin Luther King spent hours talking and writing about issues known to be near and dear to the late Dr. King's heart.
Nicholas Demille for IDS.

Young men talk during IU's annual Unity Summit, Monday, January 16, 2012. The event, hosted by the Office of Diversity Education was held in the Willkie Auditorium.
Nicholas Demille for IDS.

Student's facilitate discussion amongst the attendees by posing questions Monday, January 16, 2012 in the Willkie Auditorium. The Unity Summit was held in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Day. Nicholas Demille for IDS.