Saturday, February 25, 2012

IU Bee 2012 at the Monroe County Public Library

Contestants in the IU Bee 2012 spelling bee take turns at the microphone Saturday, February 25, at the Monroe County Public Library. Nicholas Demille for IU School of Journalism

Contestants stand at the front of the stage, under hot lights and the under nervous, watchful gaze of a large crowd to take their turn spelling.
 Nicholas Demille for IU School of Journalism

Deputy Trustee of Bloomington Township Allan Murphy acts as the moderator and pronouncer at the 2012 IU Bee spelling bee. The event was sponsored by
The IU School of Journalism and the IU School of Education. Nicholas Demille for IU School of Journalism

The audience sits silently as contestants ask for definition and language of origin; information that helps them decide on the correct spelling.  
 Nicholas Demille for IU School of Journalism
Contestant #17 looks on anxiously as the pronouncer and contestant #8 discuss a word's origin and part of speech. Nicholas Demille for IU School of Journalism

Contestant #6 takes her turn spelling near the end of the 2012 IU Bee. Winning contestants receive funds for travel and accommodations as well as entrance into the
Scripps National Spelling Bee in Washington, D.C. Nicholas Demille for IU School of Journalism

A parent strains to hear her daughter from the back of the Monroe County Public Library theater during the final rounds of the 2012 IU Bee.
 Nicholas Demille for IU School of Journalism

Pronouncer Allan Murphy reacts to one of the contestants at the 2012 IU Bee Saturday, February 25 in the Monroe County Public Library.
 Nicholas Demille for IU School of Journalism

IU Bee spelling judge Anne Kibbler rings that bell to announce a correct answer Saturday, February 25, 2012. Nicholas Demille for IU School of Journalism

Contestant #21 wrings her hands nervously as she awaits her word Saturday, February 25, 2012 during the IU Bee spelling contest.
 Nicholas Demille for IU School of Journalism

A contestant stands up to the microphone Saturday, February 25, 2012 at the IU Bee spelling contest. The contestants, ranging from 4th to 8th grade levels, competed for a chance
to reach the national level in the Scripps National Spelling Bee slated to be held in Washington, D.C. at the end of May, 2012.
 Nicholas Demille for IU School of Journalism

One of the younger contestants stands at the microphone Saturday, February 25, 2012 during the IU Bee spelling contest.
 Nicholas Demille for IU School of Journalism