Saturday, March 24, 2012

Chinese Military Guards in Tiananmen Square and around Beijing

A Chinese Military Guard stands watch Thursday, March 13, 2012 outside the offices of China Daily in Beijing.

A Chinese Military Guard trainee catches the photographer snapping photos Thursday, March 13, 2012 outside the main entrance to the Forbidden City.

An unhappy Chinese Military Guard has his photo taken on the morning of Thursday, March 13, 2012 in front of the famous portrait of the late Chairman Mao. The portrait of Mao
overlooks Tiananmen Square, a strangely capitalist space in recent years due to the installation of billboard-sized electronic advertising screens. After the sunrise flag raising, the
Chairman gets to peer across the square at commercials for luxury items such as watches, cars and vacation homes.

A Chinese Military Guard stands watch Thursday, March 13, 2012 during the sunrise flag raising ceremony in Tiananmen Square.

A Chinese Military Guard helps forcibly remove visitors Thursday, March 13, 2012 to Tiananmen square, immediately following the sunrise flag raising ceremony. This particular
ceremony coincided with the final day of the National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which probably accounted for the stepped up security measures.

Chinese Military Guards march through Tiananmen Square Thursday, March 13, 2012 as they removed visitors immediately following a sunrise flag raising ceremony.

Chinese Military Guards march passed Thursday, March 13, 2012 as they push visitors off Tiananmen Square immediately after the morning's sunrise
flag raising ceremony. The photographer feigned an untied shoe to get behind the line of guards, a maneuver that didn't work for very long before drawing the notice
of this and other anxious guards.

A wary guard looks on Thursday, March 13, 2012 as the photographer feigns tying his shoe in Beijing's Tiananmen Square. The guards were actively clearing
the square after the morning's sunrise flag raising ceremony.